
Life can be so overwhelming at times~

The last five weeks have been full of so much life, that I wonder how I have not had a nervous breakdown, except, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!  And He has!

I've had 7 weddings, 6 of which I coordinated and 5 of those I did flowers for, helped a friend in an abusive situation move out and get set up elsewhere, organized an entire graduation, graduated my son, finished three portfolios, got evaluated, lost our cat to a horrible accident, still dealing with the 10 year old on a regular basis who is still grieving that cat, driven to South Carolina and back to visit with friends on a kids vacation, gotten kids off to camp and back, started a new small group, had 5 future wedding meetings, placed orders for 4 different future weddings, worked on numerous others that are coming up, worked my other two part time jobs; house cleaning and being personal aid for a sweet lady, celebrated my 20 year old sons birthday, took portfolios and objectives to the the school for the coming school year, broke my big toe, then four days later broke a baby toe...no lie, then I tended to two very sick family members, am currently tending to a 10 year old with a very bad case of poison ivy all over, and our "newer" car is now not working...the list could go on and on, trust me. Is it any wonder I deal with insomnia? GAH!!!

I am a fighter and am determined not to give up!

The reality is the Lord has not left me through any of this, and has considered his child (me) in all of it. I am not the only one who's life is so full, and most of my "fullness" means I am blessed! I have tried so hard over the past years to "defrag" as I like to call it, and yet, it seems life still gets full with other things. I often struggle with guilt that if I have time on my hands I should say yes, or if I have an extra dime, I should spend it on someone, instead of waiting and seeing what the Lord has planned for it.

I am blessed, and for the most part I thrive on a busy life, but would you please pray for me as I seek more ways to defrag, say no, focus on my well being and get right with God?

Don't get me wrong, I'm in a daily relationship with him, there is not a day that goes by where I am not thanking him or calling on him, but there is very little just chilling with him these days, and I'm not talking about doing my devotions, I'm talking about being still...and knowing Him.  Like when one is at the beach with their spouse, no place to go, and no one to pay attention to but each other.

I pray that for each of us who have the blessed assurance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior....there is great pleasure in being still, I know...I've let it go all too often lately, and I miss it!

When the 4th of July hits, to me, summer is half way over, I get so frustrated with all I wanted to accomplish and still have not, and almost set myself up for disappointment, I'm there, and I've got loads of monsters (projects) staring at me.

...just being real!

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