
Wait, Its Been Five Years?

Wow...just wow!

How can it be?!

My last blog was about taking a risk, I was waiting to hear back about a part-time job.  I got that part-job, and have been there five years already! cRaZy!  Obviously not a faithful blogger!  My Family, cleaning houses, the new job and my wedding business have filled up all that precious time which is a good thing!

Two of my five children got married...my cup is full of love!  My middle child moved south and now our home is a bit quieter with only two at home still.  "A blink of an eye"...I believe it!

I am challenged to think hard about the last five years,  and answer my own question, "am I a better person then I was a year ago, or how about five years ago?"

Stay tuned!

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